A TRV is a form of multiple-entry visa that gets attached to one’s passport in the form of a sticker and can be used to enter Canada multiple times as long as the expiry date printed on the TRV has not already passed. Foreign Nationals wishing to visit their families/friends living in Canada, tourists traveling to explore Canada, Business owners hoping to attend seminars/events in Canada, or Entrepreneurs planning to come to Canada on an exploratory visit before investing in a business are some examples of applicants who might need a TRV before traveling to Canada.
Normally, on the TRV, a Visa Officer allows a 10-year expiration period or an expiration aligned with the expiration of one’s passport, but there is no written down rule regarding this and the Visa Officer can choose to allow a shorter expiration period if he/she feels necessary. Similarly, at the port of entry, the CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) officer decides on the allowed duration of stay for that particular visit to Canada. This duration is normally seen to be 6 months, but the officer can choose to allow a shorter duration if he/she so wishes.
In addition to regular travelers, Study Permit or Work Permit holders who apply to extend their status from inside Canada are also required to apply for a TRV, if they intend to leave and re-enter Canada.